Source code for diglm

Diglm: Deeply Invertible Generalized Linear Model
from tensorflow import Variable, ones, zeros, expand_dims
from tensorflow_probability.python.distributions import Independent, JointDistributionNamed, MultivariateNormalDiag, TransformedDistribution
from tensorflow_probability.python.glm import compute_predicted_linear_response

[docs]class Diglm(JointDistributionNamed): """ Deep Invertible Generalized Linear Model using `tensorflow_probability`. This class implements the model described by Nalisnick et al. in `Hybrid Models with Deep and Invertible Features<>`_. See the original article for a detailed discussion of the model, its pros and cons and its possible applications. Inherits from `tensorflow_probability.distributions.JointDistributionsNamed`. :param bijector: Bijector with learnable parameters for the invertible tranformation. :type bijector: tensorflow_probability.bijectors.Bijector :param glm: Generalized linear model. :type glm: tensorflow_probability.glm.ExponentialFamily :param num_feature: Dimensions of features space. :type num_features: int :param **kwargs: Other arguments for `JointDitributionNamed`. :type **kwargs: optional """ def __init__(self, bijector, glm, num_features, name = "diglm", **kwargs): self._bijector = bijector self._glm = glm self._num_features = num_features self._beta = Variable(ones([self.num_features]), trainable=True, name="glm_beta") self._beta_0 = Variable(0., trainable=True, name="glm_beta_0") model = { "features": TransformedDistribution( distribution=MultivariateNormalDiag( loc=zeros([self.num_features]), scale_diag=ones([self.num_features]) ), bijector=self.bijector), "labels": lambda features: Independent(self.glm.as_distribution(self.eta_from_features(features)), reinterpreted_batch_ndims=1) } super().__init__(model, name=name, **kwargs) @property def bijector(self): """ The bijector """ return self._bijector @property def glm(self): """ Generalized Linear Model """ return self._glm @property def num_features(self): """ Number of features """ return self._num_features
[docs] def latent_features(self, features): """ Compute latent variables from features. :param features: Model features. :type features: tensorflow.Tensor :return: Transformed feature in latent space. :rtype: tensorflow.Tensor """ return self.bijector.inverse(features)
[docs] def eta_from_features(self, features): """ Compute predicted linear response transforming features in latent space. :param features: Model features. :type features: tensorflow.Tensor :return: Predicted linear response. :rtype: tensorflow.Tensor """ return compute_predicted_linear_response(expand_dims(self.latent_features(features), axis=-2), self._beta, offset=self._beta_0)
[docs] def weighted_log_prob(self, value, scaling_const=.1): """ Weighted objective function as described in Nalisnik et al. :param value: Dictionary of (a batch of) features and labels. :type value: dict(tensorflow.Tensor) :param scaling_const: The scaling constant of the modified objective, defaults to `0.1` :type scaling_const: float :return: Weighted objective. :rtype: tensorflow.Tensor """ lpp = self.log_prob_parts(value) return lpp["labels"] + scaling_const * lpp["features"]
def __call__(self, features): """ Applies the (inverse) bijector and computes `mean(r)`, `var(mean)`, `d/dr mean(r)` via glm. :param features: Model features. :type features: tensorflow.Tensor :return: Mean, variance and derivative. :rtype: list[tensorflow.Tensor] """ return self.glm(self.eta_from_features(features))